About Us

Victoria's Children is a 501(c)(3) charitable Christian organization.
We operate an orphanage in Kenya, providing shelter, food, clothing, education, and medical care for orphaned and vulnerable children. Along with their physical needs, we provide them with spiritual and emotional support to become the people God has created them to be.
Victoria's Children was founded in 2014 by Faith Obonyo in loving memory of her daughter, Victoria Nyambura Muchiri. After a visit to Kenya in 2009, Victoria shared with her mother how heartbroken she was with seeing so many orphaned and vulnerable children with no one to care for them. When Victoria's life tragically ended at the age of 22, Victoria's Children was created to bring her dream to reality.
In 2014, Faith and a group of friends started praying and seeking God's direction in how to best help these vulnerable Kenyan children. From there our journey to establish Victoria's Children began. It all started with 13 children in a rented house.
Today Victoria's Children is caring for 37 orphaned and vulnerable children. With God's guidance, and the support of people like you, we continue to grow. We have been able to purchase land, build a boys' and girls' dormitories, and a kitchen and dining room. Because of Victoria's Children having a permanent location, we can continue to expand so we can care for more vulnerable children.
Please join us in caring for these children. Let us grow together to provide the orphanage that God wants for these children and the ones that He will continue to bring to Victoria's Children.
Our Mission
To nurture, equip and inspire those in need to live an empowered,
Christ-centered life.